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Candidate Presentation

When you are in the process of recruiting a new employee, you can create a candidate presentation in HR-ON Recruit.

What is a candidate presentation?

In HR-ON Recruit you can create a candidate presentation. This tools has been specifically developed to ensure you a simple and clear recruitment process that is easy for your recruiters to nagivate through.

The candidate presentation holds all the that you have selected for e.g. the first round of interviews for a vacant position. This means that the interesting candidates are seperated from the ones that are irrelevant to this position.

In the candidate presentation you can choose which data you want to include such as personal information or resumes. Additionally, this function allows you to evaluate the candidates before, during and after the interview. You can share your evaluation with the other recruiters or keep your evaluations private.

The candidate presentation is also useful during the interview as a noting tool. On top of this it gives you easy access to the candidates cover letter and resume, their data as well as any additional documents.

How to create a candidate presentation

Follow these steps to create a candidate presentation:

  1. Go to the menu item Application and click on the job ad you are recruiting for
  1. Tick the box next to all the candidates you want to include in your candidate presentation
  1. Scroll to the bottom menu and click on "x number of chosen applicants" and then click on create candidate presentation
    1. Notion image
  1. A new window will appear in which you add a headline for the presentation. E.g. "First round of interviews"
  1. Add a start and end date to the recruitment process
  1. "Choose informations about candidate" allows you to check the boxes next to the information you want to include in the candidate presentation e.g. the candidates name, phone number, resume, title of the job ad etc.
  1. Next items allows you to add or deselect candidates
  1. Now you must choose who should have access to the candidate presentation. Typically, this means granting access to the other recruiters who are participating in the process
    1. Notion image
  1. You can activate the slider Anonymized tabs to hide the name of the other candidates, whose profile is not currently open. This is useful if you use the functions to take notes during the interview and you wish to hide the names of the remaining candidates
  1. Lastly, you can conclude by add a title and a text for the email that you send out to the participants, to alert them that you have granted them access to the candidate presentation
  1. Click Save. The participants will now receive an email letting know that they have been invited. They must log into their HR-ON Recruit account to access the candidate presentation

How to access candidate presentation

There are two ways to access a candidate presentation. One way is through heading to the menu item Applications and then clicking on Candidate Presentations above.

Another way is by clicking on the menu item Candidate Presentations.

Both ways will give you an overview of all the candidate presentations that you have access to. Open a presentation by clicking on the three dots in the coloumn to the right, below Actions and choose Candidate presentations.

How to use the candidate presentation

Once you have created a candidate presentation you can switch between the candidates that you have included in the presentation via the tabs with the candidates names which you will find above. If you decided to anonymize the unopened candidate tabs, you will not be able to see the candidate's name until you open their specific tab.

When you access the individual candidate's presentation, you will be able to see the previously chosen information. On the right side you can add notes and rate the candidates. This can be done at any time; before, during, or after the interview.

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To begin with, the notes one user writes will not be visible to the other users. The notes will only become visible once you conclude the candidate presentation. It is also possible to mark notes as private, which they will remain as throughout the whole process.

Once you've been through all candidates you can click on Conclusion Board, after which you all will be able to get an overview over all the candidates in the presentation and easily compare ratings and notes.

Notion image

How to share with external users while complying with GDPR

It is possible to share a candidate presentation with an external user through. This requires, however; to create the user in your HR-ON Recruit.  The user does not have to have any rights in HR-ON Recruit, but you have to remember to send them login information. Here you can read more about how to create users.

When you create a candidate presentation, you can add external and internal users in one go. This also means that you will not have to send documents and other information by mail and thus making  sharing with external users more GDPR-compliant.

In this guide you have learnt how to create, use, and share (with both internal and external users) candidate presentations.


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